Tulem dressed up as a cowboy.
Tulem has been home a little under three months and continues to be a joy. Many children have tough transitions, but his has been very easy. He is starting to use more English words which really helps our communication. He can say "stop it" to his siblings instead of biting them and he can better tell us what he wants to eat or what he wants to do. I am encouraging him to use words to ask for what he wants and repeat my words if he doesn't know the right words.
His birth certificate says he is four, but we believe he is just three. The dentist today agreed that his teeth indicate he is closer to 36 months. Tulem was so good at the dentist and was very cooperative. His teeth look great! We will ask for his birth date to be changed when we readopt him in California.
We are all in love with Tulem and he plays well with all of the kids. Today Lana was asking if she could take him in for "sharing" to her classroom. Amy said she wants to take him to her class as well:) The kids are all so proud to introduce him to their friends.
Tulem is very affectionate with us, but is approprately shy around strangers. He loves to cuddle with Brad and I and he gives very sweet kisses. We are so thankful for the excellent care he received in Adama, I am sure that has helped his transition into our family.